Rent a trailers
To be succesfull in the transport branch means to be flexible. It is needless to be flexible at the expense of spending finances on unused transport vehicles.
This problem can be solved by rent of trailers.
Advantages of trailer rental
- it is suitable for individual businessmen also for international transport companies
- the ability to change business plan from the day to day, immediately to react to customer´s need
- possibility to offer transport capacities of various kinds regarding transported items
- clear price calculations, certainty of heighness of fixed costs
To conclude a lease contract is necessary to declare only extract from trade licence and document regarding tax registrations.
In ideal case our clients could leave with chosen trailer in a few hours.
Our company offers to rent following trailers:
Platform trailer - curtain side
Technique parameters:
Loading area:
disk or drum brakes, abs, ebs, 3 semi trailer axles, 1 lift axle, air suspension
13,6 x 2,5m, inner height 2,75m
from 899,- EUR/month » Fixed price for full service lease including road taxes, survey fees and statutory, insurance including complete service.
Platform trailer - curtain side – low deck
Technique parameters:
Loading area:
disk or drum brakes, abs, ebs, 3 semi trailer axles, 1 lift axle, air suspension, steel or aluminium chassis, aluminium dump body
13,6 x 2,5m, inner height 3,10 m
from 949,- EUR/month » Fixed price for full service lease including road taxes, survey fees and statutory, insurance including complete service.
Dump trailer
Technique parameters:
Loading area:
disk or drum brakes, abs, ebs, 3 semi trailer axles, 1 lift axle, air suspension, steel or aluminium chassis, aluminium dump body
Aluminous dump body 55 cbm
from 1.499,- EUR/month » Fixed price for full service lease including road taxes, survey fees and statutory, insurance including complete service.
Silo tank trailer
Technique parameters:
Loading area:
Aluminous bulk 39 cbm
from 1.499,- EUR/month » Fixed price for full service lease including road taxes, survey fees and statutory, insurance including complete service.
The trailors are in very good technique condition, prepared for using in EU.
It regards trailers made by world producers of trailer technique ( General Trailor, Schwarzmüller, Schmitz, Kögel )
You can contact us for another informations, techniques parameters and contractual conditions on our
hot line + 420 602 11 55 30